Anaheim Property Management Blog

Should the Tenant have the Owner’s Contact Information?

When we execute a contract for our owners, we still leave their email information for the tenant to have, but we never provide their mailing address or their phone number. This is done intentionally.  Owners hire us to be the buffer with their tenants and handle the day to day management.  It would be tempting for tenants to go directly to owners with pleas of mercy if they can’t make the lease payment for that month, or requests of improvements to the unit which the owner is not obligated to make.  They hire us, and pay us, to manage their property and free them from this worry.  So why do we leave their email address? The tenant should be able to reach the owner if we are not doing our job properly.  The best way to do that is with an email address.  If a tenant feels we are not responding to them in a timely fashion, or want to complain for any reason, this gives them that outlet.  Otherwise, all communication must go through us.